HOP LATE NIGHT TIL 5AM with DJ George May + Andrew Vonn

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HOP LATE NIGHT TIL 5AM with DJ George May + Andrew Vonn

March 29 @ 9:00 pm March 30 @ 5:00 am

This late night bar doesn’t close… until 4AM and 5AM on Saturdays.

Horrible news, it’s last call and the bar you’re at is closing. Great news: we’re open for at least another 2 hours if your party bus is off the rails and can’t stop/won’t stop the party.

If you’re lucky, you’re already at Hopsmith where DJ George May is warming up the floor for another legendary late night.

Bottle Service: it’s not for everyone, but it’ll treat you real nice in the Skylight Lounge.

These are the nights legends are made of: dancing on the bar, throwing piles of bar napkins into the air from the VIP Skylight Lounge, shots of something minty that you just watched your best friend drink no questions asked.. Someone even cornered the DJ to play [your song] when no one else would.

That’s Hopsmith late night, and you’re in the right place. Check out the full DJ calendar below, or just show up after the lame spot you’re at closes up for the night. We’ll be waiting.

Late Night DJ Schedule

Full Late Night Events Calendar at Hopsmith

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